Residents’ Rights Regarding Medical Condition and Treatment

The resident has the right to:

  • Be fully informed by a doctor of his or her total health status.

  • Must be given the opportunity to participate on an immediate and ongoing basis in the total plan of care.

  • Be fully informed in advance about care and treatment and any changes in care or treatment that may affect the resident.

  • Participate in planning care and treatment or changes in care or treatment unless the resident has been legally found to be incompetent or is otherwise incapacitated under California law.

  • Give him or herself medications, unless doing so would be dangerous.

  • Choose a personal attending physician.

  • Consent to or refuse any treatment or procedure or take part in experimental research.

  • Receive all information that is material to his or her decision concerning whether to accept or refuse any proposed treatment or procedure.

For more information on how to file a complaint, please call (310) 394-9871, ext. 432 or email