Donate Today
A gift to Wise & Healthy Aging is a gift of security and advocacy to seniors living throughout Los Angeles.
As the number of older adults in our community grows, so will the need. Your generous tax-deductible, charitable donation can help us meet this growing need.
has earned the highest level of recognition, GuideStar’s Platinum Seal of Transparency, a trusted national source for donors and foundations to use when evaluating giving opportunities.
Credit Card Contributions
This can be a one-time amount or done on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Contributions are accepted via Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
Cash or Check
Wise & Healthy Aging is pleased to accept a donation at any time. Checks should be made out to Wise & Healthy Aging, and mailed to:
WISE & Healthy Aging,
1527 4th St., 2nd Floor,
Santa Monica, CA 90401.
Tax Identification Number: 95-2788014
Tribute or Memorial Gifts
When an occasion calls for a special remembrance, birthday, anniversary, graduation or other type of gift, a tax-deductible contribution to WISE & Healthy Aging makes a gift that gives in many ways. Tribute or memorial cards are mailed promptly. Donors receive a separate acknowledgment of their gift.
Support Our Fundraising Efforts
Wise & Healthy Aging offers special fundraising opportunities throughout the year. Through our current year-end appeal, we are requesting continued financial support to enable us to maintain the programs and services older adults in our community have come to rely on.
United Way
You may direct United Way payroll gifts to "WISE & Healthy Aging."
Gifts of Stocks, Bonds or Real Estate
You can avoid capital gains taxes by donating shares of appreciated stock or real estate directly to WISE and Health Aging. It is also possible to donate the house you live in and remain living there until your death. At that point, it passes to WISE & Healthy Aging. To do this, call WISE & Healthy Aging at
(310) 394-9871 or send an email to
One of the simplest ways to support WISE & Healthy Aging is to make a gift through your will or trust. This can be done as a set gift, as a percentage of your estate or by making WISE & Healthy Aging the beneficiary of your estate.
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA), Pension Funds or other Retirement Funds
You may make WISE & Healthy Aging the beneficiary of your IRA. In many cases, tax penalties are high when such accounts are inherited by family members. By making WISE & Healthy Aging the beneficiary, you avoid the taxes and receive a tax credit for a charitable contribution.
You may make WISE & Healthy Aging the primary or secondary beneficiary of an insurance policy.